Question: Do the Business and Brause Real Estate Libraries accept donations?


Yes, but only very occasionally. If your materials are not a match for us, the Business and Brause Real Estate Libraries will advise on other cultural organizations where your donation may be a good fit.

We must limit our acceptance of donations due to the costs (one-time and recurring) associated with processing, permanently storing, preserving, and providing ongoing staffed access to donated collections. Thank you for your understanding of our limitations.

Generally we cannot accept:

  • Widely produced, mass-market books
  • Duplicates of what we or our partner libraries already hold
  • Textbooks that have not been published within the last calendar year
  • Self-published materials from authors who are unaffiliated with NYU

We consider donations that:

  • Demonstrate a clear link to NYU's strengths or areas germane to our mission (such as business, economics, real estate, finance), etc
  • Are unique, distinctive, or have some level of artifactual value
  • Form a corpus that may be relevant to researchers interested in primary documents
  • Are associated with our preexisting collections (ex: our United Nations or League of Nations collections)
  • Are focused on or published by a notable NYU alumnus or professor
  • Are focused on the history of Stern, SPS, or the College of Arts &  Sciences' Economics department
  • Are related to a notable New York City business leader, company, or organization
  • Meet multiple of the above criteria

Thank you for your interest in preserving our shared cultural record. Please contact us with a brief description of your collection via our email form, linking your donation to the above criteria if at all possible.

Yours sincerely,

The Business and Real Estate Libraries at New York University


Answered By: Business Librarians
Last Updated: Aug 11, 2023Views:

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