A credit rating agency will evaluate a country's economic and political environment to determine a representative credit rating. You can find current and historical sovereign debt ratings of many countries from various rating agencies such as Moody's, S&P, Fitch or R&I
Go to the Business Library's Economic and Statistical Information section for links to useful resources including links to the following suggested resources.
Bloomberg: Use CSDR for sovereign debt ratings. Choose either long term or short term debt.
Please note that Bloomberg is accessible in the Bobst Library. To use this resource, stop by the 5th floor Research Commons. Go to the NYU Guide, Bloomberg Guide, which has information on the basics for getting started as well as tips, tricks and shortcuts.
EIU Country Finance: Select a county and choose the main report. Sovereign debt rating information is provided for S&P, Moody's and Fitch as well as Economist Intelligence Unit ratings for risk.
Standard &Poor's NetAdvantage: Search for a country in the search box at the top. In the profile tool bar on the left choose Fixed Income, Credit Rating. Click on S&P Global Ratings and scroll down for various issuances and ratings. Other ratings are available.
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