Research Reports a.k.a Analyst Reports or Investment Banker Reports may focus on a stock or industry as well as financial instruments or geographic regions. Generally a research report is produced by the investment industry analysts in order to provide guidance to investors. Not all investment reports are public. The depth and quality of analyst reports vary considerably. They often provide very useful overviews with current event data.
Go to the Business Library's Analyst Reports page for links to useful resources including links to the following suggested resources.
LSEG Workspace: Formerly called Refinitiv, provides access to equity analyst research reports on companies and industries. Search the company or industry and click on Research in the tool bar. Select either company or industry research to generate a list of analyst reports. For information on how to access Refinitiv Workspace refer to the information at the link to the database.
Mergent Online: Log in and click on the "Investext" tab on the top tool bar to access the analyst reports.
Bloomberg: Use the BRC or DOCS commands. See also: Bloomberg guide.
On the NYU Business Library Company page:
Morningstar Investment Research Center: Provides comprehensive data and independent analysis on thousands of investments, spanning mutual funds, stocks, exchange-traded funds, and closed-end funds. Go to Equity and select, Equity Analyst Reports.
Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage: Provides equity analyst research reports on companies and industries. Go to the Company page and select Investment Research. Under Markets select Industry Surveys.
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