Companies can be screened by various data points including industry data. The Standard Industrial Classification "SIC" is a widely used classification system that uses a four-digit code for classifying a company's primary industry which is based upon the company’s highest revenue category. The North American Industry Classification System “NAICS” is another standard used for industry classifications.
Go to the Business Library's Company & Financial Information section for links to useful resources including links to the following suggested resources.
Hoover's: Allows you to build a list using various criteria and it has a competitor tab as part of a company profile.
Factiva: Select the Companies/Markets tab from the top of the page and then select Company. Under the Company Snapshot select Peer Comparison.
Mergent Online: Provides a competitor's list of U.S. global or private companies. The list can be sorted by revenues, market cap, employees and other variables.
Business Insights Essentials: Provides Comparison Charts for companies where you choose the companies to compare. Or choose a company and review the tear sheet data for similar companies provided.
You may want to consult the NYU guide on US Company and Industry Information for details on the resources above. Go to the Identifying Companies Within an Industry tab.
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