Question: How do I reserve a Dissertation Writers' Room (DWR) in Bobst Library?
A Dissertation Writers' Room (DWR) is a shared office space for writing and research that is quiet, scholarly, and intended for NYU Doctoral students who have passed their comprehensive exams and meet all eligibility requirements. Upon entering the space, subscribers choose one of the numerous desks and work as long as they wish in relative quiet. Each room includes partitioned desks, available on a first-come, first-served basis. Amenities include state of the art ergonomic furniture, single seating desks, and strong wireless access. Rooms are located on the 4th, 5th, and 6th floors of Bobst Library.
Subscriptions to the Dissertation Writers Rooms are made available to NYU Doctoral students who have finished their comprehensive exams and are qualified by their department to pursue dissertation research, and are writing or are maintaining matriculation. Students must supply proof of eligibility by providing a completed DWR eligibility form signed by their dissertation committee chair. Applicants must also be in good standing with the NYU Libraries.
Subscriber Access and Storage
Students meeting the eligibility requirements will be granted access to all Dissertation Writers' Rooms (rooms 427, 436, 536, and 627). Dedicated storage for the DWR is limited and will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis. If available, users may request either a Moby (mobile storage cabinet) or locker located near the DWRs for storage of research materials.
Terms & Fees
Subscriptions to Dissertation Writers' Rooms, along with the assigned storage, are for one academic year (Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters). Students who meet all eligibility requirements and are in good standing with the NYU libraries may arrange DWR access at any time throughout the academic year, but storage availability will vary based on subscriber usage. Subscriptions will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis until room capacity is met.
All subscriptions expire at 5pm on the second Friday of the fall semester (regardless of inception) unless the user has supplied the required forms to renew. Users can renew for the following academic year beginning in May by providing a new eligibility form signed by their department confirming their continuing dissertation work and matriculation.
If not renewed, all spaces and assigned storage must be cleared out and keys returned to the Library Privileges department by 5pm on the second Friday of the fall semester. If the subscriber fails to do so, there will be a $20 clear out fee and a key replacement fee of $110 if applicable.
There are currently no fees for use of the DWR or associated storage.
DWR and Moby/Locker Usage Regulations
1. The library food and drink policy applies to all Dissertation Writers' Rooms. (See Food and Drink Policy.)
2. A strict no camping policy applies to the Dissertation Writers' Rooms. Subscribers may not leave any personal items or research materials in their assigned room unattended.
3. Only personal materials and checked out library materials may be stored in a subscriber's assigned Moby or locker. Do not store valuable property such as laptops, iPads, etc., in a Moby or locker as the library is not responsible for any items stored.
4. Inspections of assigned storage are conducted regularly by Library staff authorized by the renter to remove materials that violate regulations. Fines may be applied to a subscriber's library account for: uncharged and non-circulating materials and food items or inappropriately stored beverage items. If violations are found on two inspection tours DWR privileges will be permanently revoked.
5. Subscribers will be given specific regulations depending on the type of storage (Moby or Locker) at the same time they sign their user agreement.
Please submit additional questions using our online Dissertation Writers' Room question form, or contact the Library Privileges service window during business hours at 212-998-2550.
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