If the work in question is in the public domain, you may post a copy of it in its entirety to your course web page. Otherwise, Fair Use guidelines require you to limit the amount of a copyright work that you post. Alternately, if the work is available electronically through a resource licensed by the library, you may post a link to the work, rather than make a copy. In other cases, faculty members must obtain copyright permissions from the publisher in order to include a complete work on NYU Classes and other password-protected course web pages. As an alternative, the library will place books, videos, DVDs and CDs on reserve at the library for course use. For more information, please see our guide to copyright for research, teaching, and publication.
NYU Abu Dhabi: In addition to the above information, faculty can contact the NYUAD Library for more help.
NYU Shanghai: In addition to the above information, faculty can contact the NYU Shanghai Library for more help.
Text (NY): +1 646-265-1342 Call New York: +1 212-998-2500 Abu Dhabi: +971 02-628-5544 Shanghai: +86 (21) 2059-5614 |